Monday, 13 July 2015

Dr Kelvin Lamar Griffin- A renowned name in the field of education and who strives hard to enhance the quality of education in today’s world by utilizing the right materials and creating the right environment.

Dr. Kelvin LamarGriffin- A Education Specialist Showing The True Meaning of Education is truly a man of honor. He is performing to fulfill the commitment of performance evaluator and teacher portfolio in the city of New York. He is experienced enough to evaluate a variety of portfolios of teachers and understands the role of a good teacher s well. He has set benchmarks in the field of education and has set specific rules when it comes to offering education in the classroom. He reviews the demonstrating materials that are used in the learning process so that every kid is able to learn all the aspects in a better way. He makes a point to make the learning process completely simple for the kids and ensures that they have completely grasped it. Besides this, Dr. Griffin has also served various public schools and is currently the head of Jean Childs Middle School.

He has a PhD degree and is a renowned personality in the education field. He is an educationist with a dedication to improve the current status of the education. Drkelvinlamargriffin completed his degree from Mercer University in Atlanta. He believes that all the kids should be given the right atmosphere for studying along with the right ambience and materials. Thus, he is contributing to make the education system flexible and in favor of the kids who have the zeal to study and achieve greater remarks. He believes a teacher is the one who helps a kid flourish and makes sure that the kids gets it in the right manner.

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