Wednesday 1 April 2015

Kelvin Griffin Taking the Education System to the Pinnacles of Success

Do you ever ponder the secret to someone's success or why some students who are entrenched in poverty stricken homes pull themselves up by the boot straps and live a life of purpose, wealth and happiness?

Dr. Kelvin Griffin shares a video from Angela Lee-Duckworth which discusses one significant predictor of success . . . it is not good looks, physical health, social intelligence, or I.Q.  The one predictor of success can be summed up in one word: GRIT.

Kelvin Griffin asserts research shows that efficacious teachers produce efficacious students. Likewise, GRITTY teachers will produce GRITTIER students.

As we embark upon encouraging students to attend post secondary colleges, universities or even a career, set an example of what is it to have GRIT and long-term commitment.

Enjoy the video and be inspired!

Be Great!